Why is Path Of Exile Empower Support valuable? What does Empower do?

Many of the skills in Path Of Exile have specific instructions, but Empower does not have the display of relevant information, which makes many players in the second monk can’t figure out what it is, but it is a very important gem.

Empower can upgrade the level of active skill gems that are linked.

The upgrade levels of Empower are as follows: Level 2 Empower can upgrade Level 1 active skill gem level, Level 3 Empower can upgrade Level 2, Level 4 can upgrade Level 3, Level 5 can upgrade Level 4. What do you mean? That is if your active skill display is level 20, then after the class 5 level Empower Support, it will become level 24!

So what is the practical significance of Empower?
We know that the higher the skill gems in Path Of Exile, the stronger the skill, and the general skill gems reach the level when they reach level 20. At this time, if you have a high-level Empower on the link, you can let the active skills reach several levels! The level means more powerful!

How to get Empower Support?
Unlike many other gems, Empower is not available for purchase at NPC and can only be obtained by dropping or trading with others use Poe Currency.

How to get Level 5 Empower Support?
Empower Support can only be upgraded to level 3 by the upgrade and can be upgraded by Vale Gem. If successful, it can be upgraded to level 4 (Note: If it is unsuccessful, it may be the same level or maybe downgraded). With the effect of level +1, you can upgrade Empower to level 5.

How to upgrade Empower Support?
The Empower Support upgrade experience is terrible. Just 1 liter 2 requires more than 200 million experiences, which is staggering. If you want to quickly upgrade the Empower level, you can first upgrade the Empower quality to 20%. For each upgrade, you can add 5% of the experience to the gem. The full quality can add 100% experience bonus to the gem.