Leveling a Discipline of the Land (DoL) class in Final Fantasy XIV is often considered painful, but it does not have to be. I recently decided to level up my Miner (which was only level 6 from legacy) all the way up to 50, and on my way I discovered a number of time-saving tips […]
Where there is online FFXIV gil provider?
Final Fantasy XIV Gil As we all know,the demand of FFXIV gil is bigger and bigger. And it is harder and harder to farm ffxiv gil by yourself while playing. So more and more people would like to buy cheap ffxiv gil from online shops. Do you know where to buy cheap ffxiv gil with safe and […]
Blacksmith Leveling Guide on FFXIV
Blacksmithing is one of the more painful professions to level in FFXIV, but this leveling guide will make hitting 50 as a Blacksmith much easier. Blacksmith tends to be more expensive than some of the other professions due to the large number of ingredients required to make some of the quest turn-ins. While everyone should […]
Four FFXIV Culinarian Leveling Guide
As time presses on Final Fantasy XIV,the Culinarian becomes a more and more appealing profession for making ffxiv gil.While the gear,reagents and materials produced by other professions decline in demand and value over time,there remains a consistent demand for HQ end-game food.As more players find themselves at max level and with expendable income,they turn to […]
Final Fantasy XIV Gil Farming Guide
Gil is very tight in Final Fantasy XIV. After completing the initial round of quests, there are not many ways for gil to be brought into the game’s economy on a daily basis. Given that crafting is expensive to powerlevel and repair bills really start to add up at level 50, a lot of players […]
The Differences in Races in Final Fantasy XIV
Each race in “Final Fantasy XIV” is distinctive. From the Lalafell, the smallest playable race, to the enormous Roegadyn, who are the largest, each race brings different benefits to support your play through the world. Spend some time thinking about the different race and specialization options before you begin play with the ffxiv gil . […]
How to buy safety FFXIV gil
In the massively multiplayer online role-playing game Final Fantasy XIV, gil is the currency of the realm, and to reach the highest levels, you need a lot of it. You use gold to buy stronger weapons, more powerful armor, level your skills up and learn trade skills, all of which can add up to a […]
We will offer the best survice in Final Fantasy XIV Gil online
There are many Final Fantasy XIV Gil sellers in the internet. This is also the safest and securest way to buy Final Fantasy XIV Gil online. We not only do final fantasy related services, but also very professional with other popular games such as world of warcraft, eve online, guild wars etc. Our goal is to improve the speed […]
How to buy ffxiv gil online
Final Fantasy XIV provides many money-making opportunities during the normal course of play. When you have limited time to play, though, even the fastest gold farming techniques may seem too slow, not to mention boring. Astute vendors have stepped in to provide you with one more option for keeping up an in-game bank account while […]
A small guide that will make you rich about rs gold
I put up a small guide that will make you rich while you get a free ride from leveling.When u questing:Most of the time you got an option to pick your reward. LWAYS CHOOSE ALLAGAN (bronze, tin, silver, gold, plat) PIECES unless the item you choose is a huge upgrade. In Final Fantasy XIV a realm reborn, […]