Today Square Enix released a series of renders of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn‘s key allies, and tonight we got even more screenshots and renders of them, this time from the Japanese branch of the publisher. In the gallery below you can see Minfilia, Thancred, Yda, Papalymo, Y’shtola, Louisoix, Urianger, the twins Alphinaud and […]
New Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is on the last week of the third phase of the beta, and today Square Enix released a batch of new renders showcasing the key allies that we’ll meet through the story. In the gallery below you can see the strong and beautiful Minfilia, the gentle womanizer Thancred, the […]
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Has Screens It’d Like to Share
If thought yesterday’s news of Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII was all you were going to hear out of this series as it celebrates its 25th anniversary this weekend, well, you’re wrong. Square Enix this morning uncrated another 17 images—nine of them screenshots, the rest concept art—plus that new trailer showing gameplay, for its rebooted […]
Final Fantasy Xiv:Cie’th
Cie’th (シ骸, Shi-gai?, lit. “Cie Corpses”) [siːθ] is a term from Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy XIII-2. It refers to one of the two states that fall to a l’Cie; specifically to those who failed to complete their Focus in time. There are two types of Cie’th: Pulse Cie’th and Sanctum Cie’th. Pulse Cie’th […]
Final Fantasy Xiv:Main Theme:Zanarkand
“Listen to my story. This may be our last chance.” —Opening words, Tidus Zanarkand (ザナルカンドにて, Zanarukando nite?) or To Zanarkand is the main theme of Final Fantasy X, composed by Nobuo Uematsu. Development Uematsu got the idea of the tune for the opening theme from a flautist he consulted for help. He requested the tune […]
Final Fantasy Xiv:Music:Suteki da ne
“Every time I finish recording a theme song, I first have my wife listen to it. She gave high marks to all the previous songs, but she didn’t really care for “Suteki da ne.” I lost a little confidence then; but once the song was released, it made the top ten on the Japanese charts, […]
FFXIV:Shinra Electric Power Company
For the group of Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- missions, see Missions (Crisis Core)/Shinra Electric Company. The Shinra Electric Power Company (神羅電気動力株式会社, Shinra Denki Dōryoku Kabushiki-gaisha?), also known as Shinra Inc. (神羅カンパニー, Shinra Kanpanī?, lit. “Shinra Company”) and sometimes spelled Shin-Ra, is a company in the world of Final Fantasy VII. It is primarily a […]
Final Fantasy XIV Beta Phase 4-Apply ASAP
With Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn launching in roughly a month, Square Enix will be doing one last beta phase pretty soon, which will be an open beta to those who have registered. For people who still have not registered or submitted an application yet, tomorrow, July 22nd is the last day to do […]
Game News :Final Fantasy Xiv:A Realm Reborn
Promotional artwork for Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, by Kazuya Takahashi. Several of the jobs and races in the game are depicted: Hyur, Lalafell, Mi’qote, Roegadyn and Elezen. In Latin, the word “excelsior” means “loftier” or “higher”, often taken in the sense of “ever upward!” – a fitting motto, given the game’s troubled history. […]
FFXiv:Imperial General Celes Chere
“Product of genetic engineering, battle-hardened Magitek Knight with a spirit as pure as snow.” Imperial General Celes Chere, from Final Fantasy VI. When the player first meets Celes, she has been branded a traitor for an unspecified reason, which is never revealed. Celes joins the Returners and contributes to their effort up until her apparent […]