In the opinion of majority of players, Final Fantasy gil seems not enough in many cases while playing the game, thus, we will discuss about the significance of the gil in Final Fantasy XIV. FFXIV Gil is used in Final Fantasy XIV. Well, A Realm Reborn is the fourteenth installment of the Final Fantasy series, […]
In the opinion of majority of players, Final Fantasy gil seems not enough in many cases while playing the game, thus, we will discuss about the significance of the gil in Final Fantasy XIV. FFXIV Gil is used in Final Fantasy XIV. Well, A Realm Reborn is the fourteenth installment of the Final Fantasy series, […]
FFXIV 2.1 version updating
“Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn” in the official website recently released details about the upcoming update on December 17 version 2.1 new housing system, version 2.1 will add new content main storyline, really difficulty true king Mo Coulee crusade, three new Man of God, self-built housing systems, treasure hunt system, 4V4 arena system, random […]
Updated news of the FFXIV GIL you perhaps wonder
Each of the players are thirsty for a large amount of ffxiv gil as many as possible, for that the gil would greatly significant to their upgrade, thus you had better not miss the any update of ffxiv gil. As we know, Final Fantasy Gil, in other words, ffxiv gil, is the primary currency of […]
Charming Final Fantasy 14 characters which one is ur favorite
“Final Fantasy 14” is a Japanese development of a MMORPG, that massively multiplayer online role-playing game, in mid-2010 worldwide PS3, XBOX and PC platforms on sale simultaneously, supports Japanese, English, French and German 4 languages. “Final Fantasy 14” full beyond “Final Fantasy 11” quality, represents a pinnacle of the Final Fantasy series, is a milestone […]
Final Fantasy XIV vs. Final Fantasy XIV: ARR
I think all the Final fantasy game fan got that the Final fantasy xiv has changed to final fantasy xiv :ARR. neary everyone confused at ” how has changed since the original version ?” . well the answer is that nearly everything has been changed. jobs , loctaion s and classes and everthing has seen […]
FFXIV gile,buy sell ,huge stock on all server
Big deal on FFXIV buy ,100k FFXIV GIL just for 1.900usd at,it offers the fast and safe ffxiv giles. 500K FFXIV GIL $7.7 1000K FFXIV GIL $15.37 1200K FFXIV GIL $18.44 1500K FFXIV GIL $23.03 2000K FFXIV GIL $30.71 3000K FFXIV GIL $46.02 4000K FFXIV GIL $61.29 30000K FFXIV GIL $440.75 7/24 online help […]
You can purchase the lowest ffxiv power leveling here
FFXIV gil has been involved in our discussion yesterday, and currently we will continue to talk about the ffxiv power leveling. In the first place, there is no need for you to be anxious about the security of your account information. We promise that it will be guarded under the most secure condition and won’t […]
What they have done proved unwise
The announcement that SE published a couple days ago seemed brought a fiercely controversy. In the announcement, banning players with great amount Final Fantasy XIV gils was referred, which is probably unwise. Here are some views of the players. For example, one of the participants of the controversy named Cocoa expressed his dissatisfy with the […]
New guides you are bound to be interested of FFXIV ARR
As the game updated yet, guides must have been updated accordingly. We currently share the new gil guides with you who are crazy about the hot net game, and it may work in your playing. The brand new ffxiv gil guide is designed to help players maximize their amount of gil they can earn per […]