Opinions will differ as to whether or not Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is doing something “new and innovative”. However, much of the sentiment out of this past weekend’s beta test seems to indicate that Square Enix’s new Final Fantasy XIV team under Naoki Yoshida has done the impossible in completely overhauling the hot […]
Final Fantasy XIV – Amazing
FFXIV: A Realm Reborn is to begin operations in September 2010, cross-platform online role-playing game Final Fantasy XIV re-starting the large-scale revision of the completely renovated architecture and enhanced content experience “the seventh spiritual disaster” catastrophe after the rebirth of the world is a stage. The recent Final Fantasy xiv: A Realm Reborn, the official […]
Final Fantasy XIV pay attention to Chinese market
Recently, we get some Chinese service news from Yoshida, Final Fantasy xiv producer. Speaking of progress of the translation of Final Fantasy XIV Chinese service and international service, we know that underway Chinese service has reached 80%, which is consistent with international service. And Yoshida also revealed that games for the machine configuration requirements will […]
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Final Fantasy XIV introduced new features “marriage system”
As for the same-sex marriage debate in the gaming world in recent years has never been stopped before. We hope to add only the start pairing marriage, and then listen to the feedback of the players, and then make decisions carefully. I cannot say whether this is possible, but I am willing to maintain a […]