Lancer is a different and unique class then most of its dps counterparts, it wont have the omg did you see the crit or have the range of a archer but what it will offer is a unique combination of abilitys and range too fight ennemies. Being a close to mid range fighter lancer won’t […]
Final Fantasy XIV Rank Guide
As we see that Party setup was a rank 12 CON and rank 10 THM and we were fighting various blue mobs in FFXIV. We would both engage the monster and hit it once with dart. Then we would click the BR button and use a spell. Right away a pink icon would appear next […]
Final Fantasy XIV melee advantage
The OP is probably talking about how a magic using class has a lot more MP than a gatherer class and when you switch you don’t return to 100% MP. Such as your DoM class has 300 MP. Your DoL class has 150 HP. When you switch from DoM to DoL your MP changes from […]
Final Fantasy XIV Nice Place
It’s a really cool effect, but definitely not anything special anymore. First see it in the HL2 Lost Coast tech demo. In 2005 it’s not that it doesn’t look good, but this is 2010, that sort of effect isn’t spectacular, it’s been done for years now. It is kind of like real life, only you […]
FFXIV Thaumaturge and Conjurer Guide
For Thaumaturge : A strong debuffer/buffer thaumaturge combined with conjurer as the potential to be a strong asset in any style it chooses fit too play. If you have played Thaumaturge for a long time then you will fine that this class more then makes up for it in the long run once you pass […]
FFXIV power leveling will be released soon
UPDATE 1: As a few of our forum members have found out, they won beta keys that are outside of their region (IE: having a Square Enix account in North America, but winning a German beta key). To work around this, you may need to create a Square Enix account to match the region of […]
FFXIV The Realm Featured Highlights
Answa here, bringing you the latest scoop from producer/director Naoki Yoshida on the Full Active Time Event system for Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. FATE will be a primary system in ARR where sporadic events that start in the open world may be joined simply by being in designated locations in the map at […]
FFXIV Full Events
In that same interview with 4gamer magazine, Yoshi-P let slip that Ifrit (and I would assume all other Primals) can also be challenged through this system! Though worry not—he won’t be appearing regularly in the field for open battle at release, that’ s reserved for later, since Ifrit plays a key role in ARR’s main […]
Final Fantasy XIV Botanist Guide
Just starting out in Final Fantasy XIV? If you need a quick Botanist leveling guide to help you get to the maximum level in Final Fantasy 14 then this is just for you. Let’s get into it and figure out how you can power level up and avoid a lot of the tough stuff that […]
Final Fantasy XIV Guide to Equip Different Weapons
However, if you are missing one or the other, you can take the role, while improving the same character. These special pieces of crystals appear to have the power to help people in different ways. The Authorities were placed at several locations around it. They can be found in many different places and everyone is […]