Final Fantasy XIV Rank Guide

As we see that Party setup was a rank 12 CON and rank 10 THM and we were fighting various blue mobs in FFXIV. We would both engage the monster and hit it once with dart. Then we would click the BR button and use a spell. Right away a pink icon would appear next to the monsters name, letting people know a BR had started. The spell would cast, but instead of hitting the monster it would just stop at the end, and then an extra bar would appear on your screen and the rest of the parties screen indicating you had something ready for the BR. This bar would tick down over time, but we never let it run out to see what would happen.
Final Fantasy XIV 51ba4234f491488b3250ebe9
The problem is that the BR would only go off about 1/10th of the time. The rest of the time an error message would pop up saying “Multiple people are trying to start the BR”. We were sitting next to each other, and I can guarantee that only one of us was hitting that button at any given time. We tried every combination we could think of, involving who started it, what order you did things in, and who closed it out, but never found any pattern that would work more often than another.

Then the other person would click the button, cast a spell, and their spell name would appear next to another bar that would start counting down. So now both players are standing there doing nothing, both with queued up BR spells or abilities. Next someone would hit the BR button again, and both the spells would cast dealing pretty hefty damage. The chat log would read “So and so stacked their Banish with Blizzard”. After that the BR was over and you could go back to battle as normal. Please buy cheap ffxiv gil on our site if you need.

The problem is that the BR would only go off about 1/10th of the time. The rest of the time an error message would pop up saying “Multiple people are trying to start the BR”. We were sitting next to each other, and I can guarantee that only one of us was hitting that button at any given time. We tried every combination we could think of, involving who started it, what order you did things in, and who closed it out, but never found any pattern that would work more often than another.