Final Fantasy XIV: Rebirth of the realm Review – a wonderful cross-platform MMO worth the monthly

2010 launch of the experience plagued slim content, low users, after a terrible UI , Square Enix Final Fantasy XIV back to the drawing board a new staff , better motivation, as well as cross-platform PlayStation 3 games . Now, in 2013 , hopes to convince players to play free online games , in a modern state , the old ways can still subscribe as a reward , as they used to be. The order had been higher , taking into account the market based on the edge of a game , do not want to spend a month in cash. What I always keep going , even realized that I was to spend $ 180 a year , like ” World of Warcraft” to play the game , I was accepting the fact that only $ 15 per month . Taking into account a fast food meal costs about half of it was gone in an instant , what is beyond 30 days 15 yuan ? Here I do not think food prices, although the industry has built a high-quality game between the wall and consumer costs , Square Enix company is vigorously promoting the value and renewable online game Final Fantasy XIV: rebirth of a state.


Here is the real miracle , a mature online games are played on the PC and PS3 . Then again, is not the first Final Fantasy XIV , DC Universe Online cross-platform compatibility , but few will try to compare like World of Warcraft, which has been the global standard for nearly a decade genre superhero MMO. Even with the square of the permanent Final Fantasy XI continues to attract a huge fan base , struck gold World of Warcraft a universal formula , incredibly addictive features, including powerful world , almost countless cases, and an end , games, constantly forced to give millions of players.

Based in the world Hydaelyn, players navigate the realm of Eorzea after five years down Hydaelyn smaller moon , Dalamud. Autumn Dalamud of Garlean empire, which is the main antagonist , is to annihilate Eorzea. However , Eorzea ‘s residents did not know , Dalamud contain dragon Bahamut , the protagonist of large companies seeking scholars Archon Louisoix try resealing Bahamut . He failed, so instead he goes out of his last remaining energy , ether , and then wait until the world is safe habitat resend survivors. In the episode , the Final Fantasy XIV 1.0 This is how the end of the events in the realm of rebirth survivors left, ether and return to the world . In fact, after creating your character , you’ll find yourself floating in nothingness , you are summoned to a higher cause, and then fly into a huge Aethercrystal and input Eorzea.