Final Fantasy XIV MMO Log: There is no hate here

I got a lot of artillery last weekend, when I wrote about Final Fantasy XIV: a realm of rebirth launch, is a disaster. I get the feeling of the people thought I was despised game. This is not true.
I despise the fact that so many people want to play it in person can not do, including myself. Perhaps a “tragedy” could have been a better word, though I doubt it will stop the tide of angry tweets, emails and comments.
The server now has calmed some problems, MMO review process, as usual, only this time with the video touch. I’ll do two or three of these leading game full review and then we will all subsequent congestion crap, I’ll never have to play again as a predator.
For those of you who would rather not see the video, here’s a brief introduction: I have a good time. Hit me Sargaranrtantiris Fay Mr. (or other) server, you should get a chance.
Oh, I’m sorry, what is pretend Kotaku, a person’s message to me, one day I do not know. I’m feeling naughty.