Final fantasy XIV Arsenal System (Armoury (Arsenal) System)

\In FF11, Arsenal system is system of “career”, was in FF14 is the concept of “professional”, and become the “class”.

class’s and weapons, it is the concept of magic, corresponding relationship between the types of items 1 to 1, regardless of the site as long as the replacement with wu (weapons and magic, props) can transform class immediately, at the same time, transform the class are now active skills and abilities.

weapons and props can reach class changes, even on the battlefield as long as it is passive mode can launch a (” combat “), so the warlock with a sword attack with an enchanter to respond to such act alone become possible. If dissolved the other team, equipped with fishing tackle became a fishing, equipped with becomes smithing hammer can repair equipment.

Class and function

In FF14, by changing the wu (the weapons and props) can change the role of the class (warlock sword and magic sorcerer, etc.)

Such as holding a one-handed sword became sword warlock, warlock with a gun as a gun. Take the distiller became alchemist, holding a knife cutting becomes the leather details.

Class according to the different characteristics of their respective functions, also has carried on the classification. Functions according to the kinds of names, have [soldiers], [master], gatherer, [kinds of craftsmen ] .

Skills and abilities

According to the selected class, corresponding to master skills and weapons for change.

Use weapons and props, such as accumulation of each class action makes the corresponding martial skills improved, the growth of the skills and make the ability to use.

Although the ability to mend condition is unknown, perhaps estimation and FF11 vocational ability, when the skills to achieve a certain value automatically after can use.

For example when equipped with a single hand sword became the sword warlock, conducted the behavior such as use one-handed sword fight one-handed sword skills will rise. An interview once answered “when fencing skills up damage will rise.”

can make use of the ability to log in on the action menu can be used as a command for battle, etc.

Weapon skill and magic

Meet the certain conditions, you can use weapon skills and spells.

as a soldier can learn to the weapon skill that corresponding to the special skills of weapons in addition if the mage can learn magic. Does acquisition conditions are unknown.

such a weapon skills and spells and abilities also can be a instruction for battle, as estimated by login to the action menu to come up to fight behavior such as instruction.

That is to say, after finishing as shown in the figure below.

Does 1: in the interview, have such a speech: [gladiator’s ability to “steal” axe warlock can also be used] [perhaps Settings, according to ability to combat smithing division also is not just a dream?] . So the estimated capacity can also be available to other classes. But don’t think that will be able to completely free use ability and weapon skill, because there may be skills using the limit value, or is dependent on class the EX such ability.

Does 2: in other interview, has the ability to shield is equipped with special and weapon skill, could not have unlimited use of other skills class.

Estimated learned “weapon skills” and “magic” can also be used in class to change, but there is no stated the club’s official website.

About the gatherers and craftsmen 】, there is no public ability and other skills. But, is able to take in the team have assigned tasks such as the ability to do this.

The Japanese game magazine in the latest edition of the final fantasy 14 features

The video magazine electric shocks, “king of the latest issue of the (474) will be collected after E3 beta version of final fantasy 14 intelligence has carried on the summary, players to understand the” final fantasy 14 beta version of the latest changes. The following are the main points of translation.

Character state

– need to use in the alpha upgrade points increases HP and MP and TP will automatically rise now.\”

– strength, stamina, agility, mind, intellect and devotion will need to upgrade points with ascension.

– fire, ice, wind, soil, water and electricity element attributes available element reward points.

– reaction, charm and luck properties has been cancelled.

– the physical elements and bonus points will be obtained when upgrading.

The monster body damage

Players can destroy the monster a part of the body, also can destroy the enemy’s weapon in the battle, when players do, some accident will happen. Sometimes, the enemy will not be able to use a specific ability, sometimes it will increase the number of dropped items, or some specific item drop rate will rise.

All kinds of action must be set in the main weapons or vice weapons

– action groove increased to 30. Each action will occupy a certain consumption, so even if the player action slots are available, but the action after consumption reaches limit will not be able to add.

– action must be located in the main weapons or vice weapons. For example, “square” action and shield, only when the deputies shields can drag action in the tank.

– action tank has three pages, each page 10. Only 1 page

– specific career action slot. The action of slot

– forging ability is only 1 page, ten empty seats.

In the final fantasy 14 valentine’s day

Final fantasy 14 in mainland also is going to lead valentine’s day let’s first look FF14 in the history of valentine’s day The so-called valentine’s day is on the 14th of the road the countess and we bear the earl love story began,The countess was a very have the courage to love persistent give everything for love, people love to follow them in their day, valentine’s day in today in this day, people to express love and gratitude will personally make chocolate to like of the person.

Although the gratitude and love spirit gradually changes over the years, different chamber of commerce and cocoa growers because all sorts of things attracted to bad complaints, but also because these people to communicate with people in different areas for the benefit of others, originally the countess’s pursuit and hope, today let’s live together in the final fantasy 14 mainland a funny valentine’s day.

The event date is at midnight on February 1 to February 15, 6 o ‘clock in the afternoon.

About the activities of the festival to participate in the activities on this continent day you can see the whole city parade, luxurious decoration and the carnival of the people in the hotel, but the holiday to one’s deceased father grind or real people to pursue the courage of love, to overcome the fear of their own heart. When the level of the let you don’t understand during the activities will also be different, the city will provide from distant southern sweetener made powdered sugar. Used to make chocolate, of course, now that is the test you want to go to the site do something you share of the work At this time of year celebration of the approximate starlight night people feast with friends. Don’t waste the good chance.

The maps show is full of tasks under the site Limsa Lominsa (Upper Decks/Lower Decks

Material of making chocolate

Dark chocolate chocolate beans a powdered sugar to take three points.

White chocolate need sugar powder, chocolate beans 3 copies of a pearl About quest reward will be a bed said countess by changes in the heart of the shield and chocolate weapon, of course, want to use your love and courage to prove that you deserve them

Final Fantasy XIV is heating up another round of the Moonfire Faire

ffxiv moonfire epl 730 Final Fantasy XIV is heating up another round of the Moonfire Faire

Veterans of Final Fantasy XIV remember the struggle of last year, the desperate battle to protect the land of Eorzea against a rampaging fire. A battle so desperate that it could be fought only by having men and women dress in skimpy swimsuits and make kissy-faces at fire elementals. This year, the battle must be waged again, but this time adventurers will be dressing up in traditional Eastern clothing. Yes, the Moonfire Faire is upon us once again.

From today and running until August 13th, players will have the opportunity to take part in the event by speaking with event NPCs located in each of the major cities. There are no details on precisely what the event will entail, although the mechanics are likely to be similar to last year’s equally ridiculous offering. There’s also no word on whether or not this year will also allow players to unlock special wallpapers, although it’s certainly possible. So if you’re in the mood to beat the heat in-game, log in now and start chasing some fire elementals!

Final Fantasy XIV:The zone design

I love Final Fantasy XIV, something that comes as no surprise to regular readers of this column. But the game’s zone design is not its highlight. This is one of those design aspects that really bothered everyone in the world when the game launched, and it was for good cause, but I think there’s more to it than simply condemning the whole thing out of hand. There are several places where the zone design isn’t actually bad and in fact is downright brilliant.

You could say that it’s a variation on Final Fantasy XIV’s theme right there: brilliance mixed in with average and awfulness.

Obviously, zone design will be changing in a big way when version 2.0 launches, something that gets closer with each passing day. Still, it’s worth examining where we are now if for no other reason than to hopefully identify what a good revision would look like. This is not a horrible mess; this is a few great elements mixed in with several elements that just aren’t well thought out.

ffxiv moglog zones 1 epl 726 The zone design of Final Fantasy XIVIn a big country

One of the great problems that many MMO zones have is that there’s only space to hit most notes once or twice. A given zone has a waterfall, and that’s the only waterfall in the zone. A town has just enough room to house necessary buildings and nothing else, so your living quarters are straight out of luck. There’s a definite limit on assets and the space devoted to any given visual theme, something that weakens the verisimilitude of the game world.

FFXIV does not have that problem. The zones are huge, sprawling areas that give you a sense that these are, in fact, plausible regions of the world. Coerthas isn’t a small section of highlands but a series of mountains and plateaus and valleys that you can get lost in quite easily. Thanalan might be desolate, but there are bastions of life, caverns, tall cliffs and jagged drops, and even narrow walkways through the mesas. Each zone has space to stretch out and explore a given theme. What would be subdivided several times over in other games is a single region here, giving space to multiple small settlements and similar features over a large spread.

This goes for enemies as well. Sure, some things you see in most areas, such as marmots, but the scuttling insects and desert lizards of Thanalan don’t appear over in the Black Shroud. La Noscea’s sheep and sea creatures aren’t simply ported over to the high-level parts of Coerthas. Different beasts inhabit different regions, which helps give each individual area space to distinguish itself.

What’s awesome about this: Giving these zone concepts more space to breathe means that you really see a more realistic range of environments. Thanalan isn’t just a desert; it’s a desert that fits into the overall shape of the continent, with more water near the shoreline and more arid parts as you veer closer to Mor Dhona. There are a lot of neat corners of the environment, places seemingly designed just to be beautiful or stark or isolating, and it works really well. Even the layout is different depending on the area; Gridania has its narrow passages through the trees, while Thanalan has sprawling open regions.

What could be improved: The problem isn’t that these zones are huge and awesome. The problem is that they’re filled with more or less nothing. Outside of the aetheryte crystals at launch, there was nothing to do but look around for the heck of it. No reason was given for you to venture into more dangerous areas, and in many cases, you’re still not given much motivation to venture off the beaten path and into strange new territories. For all the grand attention to detail, a huge number of aetheryte nodes and crystals are just there for no purpose whatsoever.

You can say that these were footholds for future content, which is plausible, but the problem remains that the zones were made to be incredibly huge and then were filled up with nothing. As much as I love having a wide area that feels like a real place, there’s no real point if you’re not going to use most of it. It’s like setting up a canvas to paint and then only using one corner.

ffxiv moglog zones 2 epl 726 The zone design of Final Fantasy XIVPublic transit

To anyone accustomed to getting from place to place in Final Fantasy XI, the maps of FFXIV are far more friendly to players. You can easily teleport about to fixed points, and getting a chocobo to ride along isn’t very difficult either. Most underground areas are filled with enemies in the same level band as well, thereby freeing you from having large chunks of the present zone you can’t access due to aggressive enemies. And there are still places that are hard to get to precisely because of this, so some of the flavor of FFXIV’s predecessor remains.

What’s awesome about this: Getting places is never a huge problem for the player, but it’s still complicated. You have to get somewhere before you can teleport there, and chocobos are not easy to come by for the general populace, which explains how isolated locations remain isolated. It strikes a balance between easier transit and the wilderness effect of Final Fantasy XI that I mentioned in the last column.

What could be improved: All of this evaporates if you run out of anima, unfortunately. Suddenly, getting places is once again an enormous pain, especially when you’re getting to regions that don’t make your life easy in the first place (Mor Dhona springs to mind). The fact that there’s no way to refresh anima makes transport still periodically dicey, which is odd when the game as a whole handles it so well.

Big and empty

The whole idea of having these enormous sprawling zones was really cool, but unfortunately the game didn’t wind up doing much with that design choice. I hope that there are still traces of that in 2.0, but I have a feeling that we’ll be looking at zones much closer to those in FFXI — very good, but not these sprawling places with absolutely enormous borders. Oh well.

Final Fantasy Xiv version 2.0 trailer won’t be at E3 after all

ff20 FFXIV version 2.0 trailer wont be at E3 after all

Just as Square-Enix is on the verge of releasing a “flood” of new information about Final Fantasy XIV’s much-anticipated version 2.0, the studio says that the players’ most wanted video will be missing from next month’s major convention. That’s right: The FFXIV 2.0 trailer will not be shown at E3 after all.

Square-Enix’s Naoki Yoshida wrote of the trailer’s completion in a recent producer’s letter but shared that the company is withholding it from E3 in order to package it with a larger marketing campaign. “During our most recent global PR planning meeting, we came to the conclusion that the most effective way to introduce version 2.0 to the world would be with a flood of new material rather than just a trickle,” Yoshida said.

Final Fantasy XIV 2.0′s public debut is still scheduled for E3, however. The trailer, along with the info-flood, is slated to be revealed this August. Version 2.0 will be a relaunch of the title alongside the PlayStation 3 release. It will feature overhauled graphics, server architecture, multiple in-game improvements, and additional racial/gender choices.


50 FFXIV version 2.0 trailer wont be at E3 after allSpace Cobra

I would disagree with some of the comments that this was a “bad thing”.
It seems “hype” is still misunderstood; it can come from a company fanning it, but it also comes from fans and those expecting it (and the company fanning those expectations).
Here is the thing most of the Negative commentors are not taking into account: The game has a bad rep already in many circles, including in some of your eyes. Slow drips of info is fine, but that type of thing builds up expectation/hype: If there is no hype, which there is not, among those that have heard bad things about the game or do not like it, then the slow drip is not going to change their minds. In fact, they probably couldn’t care enough to keep up with any new info because, they do not care. That’s human psychology. You get “burned” and you are not wanting to go back to the place/person that you think did you wrong.

Now, if they overwhelm you with new features, that’s sorta like walking into a surprise party at work (at the job you hate) and just being taken aback that you didn’t even know that they knew or cared it was your birthday (analogy is analogy). It’s better to bring out all your guns at once and answer all your critics at this point in time. The game is out. It has bad press. Time for advertising akin to car advertising in that here you have a “brand new model” for the new year with features not in the old model and things corrected. You need to bowl over the critics.
Of course, some critics will never get bowled over, but those on the fence with open minds might give the game another chance. This is best done with all the info being made available at once. It’s a pretty standard tool in advertising and one that I think is warranted here. The devs have been at work for almost a year on this game and have left the game truly free-to-play for at least that long (with a Tsunami during the interm, I might add). There isn’t any “hidden agenda” or big “mystery conspiracy” at work here.
And they will be judged soon enough when 2.0 comes out. They seem to have a number of surprises up their sleeves (like the new races and classes) already.

50 FFXIV version 2.0 trailer wont be at E3 after allsosuperstuck

I don’t know why people love to hate on this game so much.  The game has come a long way from what it was at launch and yes, there are quite a few people out there playing and enjoying it.  It’s not as immediately accessible as the Wow type game, but once you spend a little time it has a subtle beauty that can pull you in. Like any relatively young MMO, there are things that need to be improved.  It just irritates me that people still dismiss it as a total crap.  If it’s not your cup of tea that’s fine.  Move on.  Anyways, if they can’t get the full marketing campaign together for E3 then I agree this is the right move.  Better to wait than underwhelm.  Especially when so many people want to piss all over it.

50 FFXIV version 2.0 trailer wont be at E3 after allTymCheong

I cant understand the logic behind not showing trailer in E3. And I can certainly see that they may be running behind schedule.
But based on the way Yoshi has been doing thing, I can’t help but trust him. He manages with such transparency not only is it rare in game development, but in all project development.
And to all haters…. I suggest try out the game with the recent updates before sounding like a complete fool.

Final Fantasy XIV:crafters

A couple of weeks ago, I was chatting with one of our fellow writers about MMO design. This, as you might imagine, is actually a fairly common topic of discussion amongst Massively staff members. (It’s beaten out slightly by talk of cats and horrible puns, but still.) Said writer was lamenting the fact that we haven’t seen a game in years that allows players to really focus on a non-combat role and level up without having to march out and kill things.

“Yes, we have,” I countered. “Final Fantasy XIV lets you do that.”

“Well, yeah, but you have to kill stuff to get materials and get money to start with, right?”

“No, you can just craft the whole way through.” And as I said it, I realized that one of the real shames of the game’s launch was that everything the crafting and gathering systems do correctly wound up being overshadowed by other issues. There’s a reason I started calling the game a sandpark when I was writing my first impressions, because the devotion to non-combat gameplay options is almost peerless among more modern games. And it’s worth some tribute.

ffxiv moglog crafters 1 epl 531 What crafters can do in Final Fantasy XIVThe game’s crafting features honestly feel like something out of a pure sandbox design document. You can start crafting at the start of the game and spend the entire game quite comfortably crafting. There are quests specifically for you, content that you can unlock, and progression — both in terms of harder quests to accomplish and better equipment for crafting. There’s now even stuff for you to do at the endgame, special quests to undertake that require a high level of skill and a fair amount of extra material.

It even keeps player-crafted gear on par with dropped gear. Sure, getting crafted gear to match high-end stuff requires a lot of materia conversions and some luck in the melding process, but that just gives you more reason to keep churning through equipment. It helps ensure that there’s a market for your equipment even at the top end.

That’s not to say the process isn’t helped by having some combat classes, but they’re not mandatory any more than playing a crafting class is mandatory. You can get along just fine forever crafting and never fighting, or crafting and gathering, or gathering and fighting, or all of the above. The game honestly doesn’t care how you want to experience it.

Of course, some of the options for what you can do now weren’t in the game at launch. But the updates have actually made it more viable to be a crafter, not less. At launch there was only really a market for the top-end equipment, since the penalty for wearing something beyond your level was negligible and the money saved made up for it. You bought your top equipment, you leveled with it all the way through, and you never had to worry about getting new pieces. Materia, a stricter set of penalties for overleveled gear, and more reasonable leveling gear have really changed that setup to something more reasonable.

And that’s all assuming that you’re crafting equipment instead of consumables. Food is never going out of style.

The two biggest weaknesses the game does have in this regard are pretty noteworthy, though. The first is a lack of any good recipe list function — the best you get is the option to quickly redo any of the last ten recipes you’ve made. It’s a function that is coming to the game, but it makes crafting either an activity that must be done in windowed mode or one that requires a binder full of notes. The second is smaller, but still pretty significant: the lack of any way for you to actually personalize what you’ve made or market yourself as a specific crafter on the server.

Lack of marketing options may not seem like a big deal, but when you’re limited to 20 items for sale at any time, branding might actually be desirable. Instead, you’re just another cog in the moneymaking machine. Not that it matters a whole lot, since reasonable pricing ensures a steady flow of sales, but it’d be nice to get a reputation for all your hard work.

ffxiv moglog crafters 2 epl 531 What crafters can do in Final Fantasy XIVThese days, it almost makes more sense to start as a crafter and hit the level cap that way before embarking on the usual bloodthirsty march that typifies video games. You can pick up all the important things, like lots of gil and a chocobo and so forth, and then you can start leveling with a bit of an edge. Plus, you can power through most of the main scenario quests, which at least offer some decent money if not many other tangible rewards.

In summary, you can level as a crafter, you don’t need to stop crafting just to advance or gather materials, and you can be as pacifistic as you want if you don’t mind paying for all of your components. Comparatively, a lot of games that have been praised for their crafting don’t offer all of that, much less the actual minigame mechanics you get from Final Fantasy XIV’s crafting. For all that the combat system has been trimmed up and cleaned up since launch, the crafting mechanics have only seen minor touch-ups, and that’s indicative of how solid they are.

So the next time someone claims that no one designs crafting systems with any real punch any longer, by all means, show them this article. Have them fire up a couple recipes. It’s an eye-opening experience, and certainly was for me. I normally do not care in the slightest when it comes to crafting or gathering systems, and I fell in love with these.

FFXIV producer:letter addresses player poll

ff14 Final Fantasy XIV producers letter addresses player poll

Final Fantasy XIV Producer Naoki Yoshida has returned for another producer’s letter, this time focusing on the recent poll sent out to players across the world. Yoshida personally addressed points regarding combat, crafting, the synthesis system, and version 2.0.

Yoshida observes that two points of constructive criticism will be used as FFXIV continues to be revised: “Many of you said that combos are too restrictive… We also received many comments that character positioning is bothersome and difficult.”

In regards to the upcoming version 2.0, he notes that the most excitement seems to be swirling around the new classes and jobs, improved level design, additional maps, and the graphics engine update. “Interestingly,” Yoshida writes, “Japanese players are the ones who’re most looking forward to the new housing system — a national trait, perhaps?”

Yoshida also expressed concern that a good chunk of players do not read player blogs on the Lodestone, not to mention that a vast majority of them simply do not use the Lodestone to post their own articles. He hopes this will change with 2.0, as the Lodestone will be receiving a full renovation at that time.

A chat about Final Fantasy XIV’s Naoki Yoshida

ffxiv e3 epl 609 A chat with Final Fantasy XIVs Naoki Yoshida

Final Fantasy XIV’s major upgrade had been announced well before this year’s E3, but this was its first public showing. While many of the major changes were only appreciable by long-term fans of the game, what was there was massive, ranging from major changes to the interface to several dazzling new areas. It was a lot to take in, and needless to say, we had some questions. Luckily for everyone, executive producer Naoki Yoshida was on hand to answer some of those questions and discuss the game’s pending update.

Previous interviews with Yoshida have indicated that the version 2.0 update should begin alpha testing in late September, with a beta to follow not long after. He’s also stressing the fact that version 2.0 is a major change for the game, almost an entirely new game in many respects, and while the live game has seen the fruits of a great deal of work there’s still more to be done. As Yoshida put it, the game is an MMORPG, but it’s an RPG before that, and a Final Fantasy game even before that.

ffxiv e3 1 epl 609 A chat with Final Fantasy XIVs Naoki YoshidaOf course, current players will be most interested in the differences over the similarities, and Yoshida stressed that the familiar elements will be mixed with a great deal of changes. The guildleve system, for example, will still be a part of the game, but it won’t work in the way it currently does. The system will change significantly, and it will no longer be the only option for solo leveling, as the game is also adding a much larger quantity of quests akin to a more traditional MMO experience. Players will have familiar touchstones to fall back upon, but the differences will be massive.

That’s not the only change, either. Maps will be radically different — there won’t be anything truly unrecognizable (Yoshida used the example of Ul’dah suddenly being in a jungle) but areas with the same name won’t look like the old area with a new coat of paint. Every area has been redone from the ground up, with a visual flow to each region but a new look and layout to every part of the world. The maps will also have a larger number of areas to explore, more little places to investigate and little hamlets or outposts scattered about. The idea is to fill the world with adventure, and that means more things to do and more places to go.

That extends, obviously, to the game’s content. Guildleves will no longer make up the bulk of the leveling curve, with a larger number of quests added for players to partake. There will also be several added instanced dungeons, along with a content finder so that players can find groups quickly if usual partners aren’t available. The content finder should have broad functionality to help assemble a party for any party-based content — if you have a job quest that requires a group, you can assemble the group via the tool.

One of the major concerns that the team had regarding the game were the long gaps between relevant bits of story. Rather than a steady series of story quests, players would often perform a story quest, level, and finally reach the level required for a new quest… only to have forgotten what happened in the previous quest. Increasing the overall number of quests allows the team to ensure that there are fewer spaces between major story installments as well as keeping players involved in sidequest stories. Version 2.0 is set to include a large number of extra options for players to interact with the world and the plotline.

ffxiv e3 2 epl 609 A chat with Final Fantasy XIVs Naoki YoshidaAnd on the note of interacting with the world, Yoshida confirmed that the game’s estate system for player housing is on schedule for inclusion with version 2.0′s launch. He did note that there’s a small chance it might miss the launch window, but it would then be included in the first large content patch released after the revamp has gone live. Fans of the game will note that this is not an uncommon method with the development team.

Moving on from strictly mechanical questions, the issues of several players regarding physical server locations was noted. While Yoshida could make no firm comment at the time, he stated that the team is well aware of the issues regarding time zones and lag most notable for European gamers. He also noted that gamers affected by these issues should look for some announcement regarding it within the next two months.

Last but not least, when asked if he felt he was under any pressure when he was first given the task of revamping the game, he laughed and said that anyone who didn’t feel pressure would presumably not be human. But at the same time, he made it clear that he felt a great sense of accomplishment in what he was being asked to do. Trying to essentially create an entirely new game after the game was released and negatively received is something that had never been tried before, and he felt that the development team rose to the challenge. He was also thankful to the fan community that has stood by the game over the past year and a half, dealing with its issues and idiosyncrasies as development worked overtime to add in new features and expand others.

Fans will have to wait a few more months for more hard data on what the revamp will include, but the promotions for the game should start in earnest in August. That means more system information, more previews, and more information on what the future holds for the second version of the game.

Final Fantasy Xiv:Distinct linked games

By early next year, the environment will be an interesting one for both Final Fantasy XI and Final Fantasy XIV. Both games will have a major update out, whether that update is a large-scale revamp or a trim new expansion. (Speculation on that last one, yes; munch on a grain of salt as we proceed.) They’ll both be poised for players to enjoy, each with its own distinct flavor… possibly.

See, there’s a definite problem with all of the coming updates in the online Final Fantasy space. Both games need a distinct identity, and yet they’re also both overlapping in several core areas. Square-Enix clearly wants players to be able to enjoy Final Fantasy XI and Final Fantasy XIV as two different experiences, but is that really possible?

I’d like to think it is. I think that both games can deliver a rich experience for players of all stripes without becoming mirrors of one another, even disregarding superficial elements like jumping. I think both games also need to come together on certain points of common ground, so players of either can enjoy certain shared features that would otherwise be taken for granted.

ffxi moglog divergent 1 epl 712 FFXIV:Distinct linked gamesOne feature, two directions

Seekers of Adoulin is adding a lot of new guilds to FFXI, and I think that’s a good thing because the guild system in that game is kind of underused. There’s an interesting dynamic set up with the various guild shops and guild rewards, but it’s one that can easily be missed if you’re not heavily into crafting. Considering the nightmare that is crafting in FFXI, you could easily be forgiven for that fact. I like the idea that one of the core features in the game is making use of the guilds as a clearinghouse of tasks and rewards. Your jobs are almost a secondary element.

FFXIV makes heavy use of its guild houses, but at the moment, the focus there is on the individual class in question. Lancers and Dragoons swarm to the Wailing Barracks, but not much of anyone else. Again, I think this is a fine implementation. It means that your class is inextricably tied to something tangible. You don’t just stab things with a pointy stick; you get much of your training from an organization devoted to the use of the lance in combat.

There are some features that these games are always going to share, but I think this is a good spot to explore the different directions that could be taken in either game. It’s not that FFXI or FFXIV has a better execution of the overall system, just that they’ve taken a shared concept and brought it into play in different ways.

Shared efforts

I’ve mentioned before how FFXI is currently a pretty unfriendly game to solo in, and I stand by my assertion that this needs to be trimmed up a fair bit. Getting a subjob and leveling shouldn’t be a torturous process for a new player, especially since it’s not until you get advanced jobs that you really learn half of the stuff you can do in the game. That’s not to say that you can’t ask for help and find people willing to provide it, just that forcing people to beg for help when they’re not sure if they even want to keep playing is… counterintuitive, let’s say.

But we already know that Final Fantasy XIV will give players lot to do solo. It already does, really. There’s a lot of content to explore alone, a lot of quests and storyline to be done by one’s lonesome, and a lot to enjoy without a group. Group or solo play is always a choice, and that’s a good thing. So how do you make FFXI more solo-friendly without removing one of its central draws?

The answer, I think, is to keep the sense of making group efforts without necessarily requiring group play. FFXIV and FFXI can easily both make grouping optional in places and required in others without treading over the same ground. None of FFXIV’s crafting skills are a group effort, for instance, but you can make crafting in FFXI a group exercise. There aren’t instanced dungeons in FFXI; they exist in FFXIV and will likely be there in greater numbers come 2.0. The shared effort of Hamlet Defense is a good example of creating an environment with shared effort without necessarily being in the same party, and I’d love to see FFXI implement a similar system from another angle.

ffxi moglog divergent 2 epl 712 FFXIV:Distinct linked gamesTaking direction

FFXIV is going to come out of the gate quite lean with what I imagine will be a fairly good sense of directed flow. Start here, go over to that area, and so forth. We’ve been told that the world will have a lot of adventure for explorers as well, but what we’ve seen thus far implies that it’s going to be the sort of adventure that you find by wandering off the beaten path. I don’t think the game will wind up asking you to level through zones in a distinct level path, but I do imagine that you’ll be sent to places and then find more with a little exploration.

FFXI, by contrast, has never given you a clear picture of where to go next. While the game does need some pointers added in, I think this honestly shouldn’t be one of them. Give people a general direction to explore and let them do so rather than force them down another route. The world has always had a certain wandering feel to it, and reinforcing that is a good thing.

In other words, in one game you’re directed to an area and then you start exploring. In the other game, you start exploring an area and that takes you somewhere. It’s a subtle difference, but it’s one that creates a very different game experience.

Two great tastes…

I want FFXI and FFXIV to both do well, really. Both games have a lot of similar feels, but I think that they can really stand on their own as unique games with a bit of work. Yeah, some of that work will involve hammering out parts of the game that have been in place forever… but that’s part of the process of MMOs, honestly.

Done correctly, they’ll be two halves of a whole. Neither is required for the other, but both together blend nicely. Done incorrectly… well, let’s not speculate on that.