FFXIV Patch 2.4 is finally here!

FFXIV Patch 2.4

Here’s our “human friendly” FFXIV 2.4 patchnotes and changelog! As usual we will have 2 major chunks in this guide, a starting quest table and new content guide.

2.4 Starting Quests Chart

We will be putting together a table of quests in 2.4 that unlock newer content, much like in our 2.3 Patch post. It will be up as soon as the specific information is available.

For the first time in FFXIV:ARR a new class and job are introduced! Rogue andNinja! As far as we know the Rogue and Ninja are Melee DPS classes which HOPEFULLY uses DEX as their main attribute so the loot distribution will be more even.

Since Ninja is an advanced job, we currently do not know what the other level 15 class requirement is. We will be updating that when we can!

FFXIV Patch 2.4

New dungeons!

Snowcloak: A brand new dungeon featuring FENRIR!
Sastasha (Hard)
Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard)

New Primal Battle: Shiva

Well, finally! One of the three primary elemental summons(in the FF universe): Ifrit, Ramuh and Shiva are finally complete!

New twists and turns in the Coil!

The Binding Coil of Bahamut will have a few more turns in the upcoming patch. 4 New bosses seems to be a reasonable guess! There is also talk that this will be the FINAL coil of Bahamut! (and the upcoming raids will have a new name)