FFXIV ARR Mining Leveling Guide – Locations and Strategies for Fast EXP
Leveling a Discipline of the Land (DoL) class in Final Fantasy XIV is often considered painful, but it does not have to be. I recently decided to level up my Miner (which was only level 6 from legacy) all the way up to 50, and on my way I discovered a number of time-saving tips and tactics that I will be sharing below in order to make ffxiv power leveling up Mining much easier. By applying these tips and techniques, leveling up Mining from 1-50 may even be faster than leveling up a DoW or DoM class from 1-50!
Below, we will first discuss an overview of the best way to approach 1-50 and then discuss tips and tactics to make leveling faster as you follow through with the plan. Next up, the specific locations of the best mining camps based your current level will be listed in detail.
Quick Note: About Mining Camps and Nodes
Mining “camps” spawn in groups of 4 nodes that all offer similar items as a reward. These 4 nodes persist and are unique to you – you do not have to worry about what other players are doing as they will not be able to mine from the nodes you see on your screen.
Nodes operate on a forced respawn system: only two can be down at a time. If you mine all 4 nodes, the first two you mined will have already respawned. If you mine 3 nodes, one the first one you mined will have respawned. Often the fastest mining route involves cutting the most out of the way node out of your farming circle and instead just focus on the 3 that are closest in proximity. This is particularly true if one of the nodes is around aggressive monsters. Any time you have to stealth you are likely wasting time.
Quick Note #2: How Experience Points are Calculated
When mining, you get a base amount of experience points given the type of item you are trying to mine based on its level and your current level. While you get a slight bonus for mining items above your level and a slight penalty for mining items below your level, it does not become significant until you are many levels above the item you are trying to mine, at which experience points earned will drop by about 50% compared to the previous level.
For each successful mining attempt, you start to get bonus experience points. The first 4 mining attempts do not offer much bonus experience points, but on your 5th (and beyond) successful mining attempt, you get 50% bonus experience points added to the flat total.Additionally, mining a high quality item will give you a 200% bonus to the amount of experience points earned. The perception trait is needed to mine high quality items. This does not stack with your experience points chain or any other bonuses. If the base experience points for mining an item is 300, then you will earn 900 experience points for a High Quality item. You will earn 1050 for Chain #4 and beyond on a high quality item, since the 50% bonus from the chain only applies to the base.
Due to the nature of chains and experience points, you never want to mine items that are more than a level or two above your character, while leveling off of items that are lower then your current level tends to provide more experience as the higher success rate, high quality item rate, and chain rate more than makes up for the minor experience points penalty.Wish u all enjoy yourself in Final Fantasy XIV.