Confused about the wind crystal fragments, and the price

Among various kinds of crystal pieces, the price of the wind has always been a dominance, perhaps because of a lot of making career are used… The world’s average price, for example, the wind crystal pieces 273 was the average selling price for gil, but this dress (Karnak) price is above average in 350.

I don’t understand, the wind crystal pieces of manufacturing methods and requirement is very simple, why the price is so high?

You need to do is to spend more than 1000 Gil shacheng alchemist guild NPC buy a distillation of level 1 bottle, and then to buy a bunch of Tiger haicheng NPC Cod (タ イ ガ ー コ ッ ド), level 1 of the alchemist, each 1 fish (Gil) 230 + 4 ray crystal pieces, can produce at least 12 pieces of crystal, wind and basic won’t make failure.

If we calculate the cost, you will find that each produce wind crystal pieces, the cost of [230 + 226 (average) in the world * 4) / 12 = 94.5 Gil, 65.4% cheaper than the world average price.

If the suit to apply to this situation, because the RMT LeiJing pieces price mostly under 200, I more often see the player for the price of around 100 gil to sell. According to the calculation, I use this method to make the wind crystal more can save as much as 85%.

So, I wonder why the wind crystal can be maintained in such a high price. In the present case, someone wants to make a living should have no problem.

Assumes that the synthesis of 1.5 times per minute, an hour can be synthesized 1080 wind crystal fragments, assuming that sold at the average selling price, your profit is 192800 Gil, synthesis of two hours a day, and 5 days a week, each month, you is the net profit of 7.71 million; But if it is in this dress, the profit of 321300 per hour, the net profit of 12.85 million a month.

I don’t know if you have not found or is too lazy, so that the wind crystal shards prices will remain high for so long, but also meet rising trend.

Such a high profit is fighting/you make doing tasks, every day in the same time, also should I get?

And therefore, as more people discover this method, the wind of the price will drop, and the ray’s price will rise, until the market is saturated.