Fans Pay Tribute to FFXIV Music

Though Final Fantasy XIV has gotten “tuned up,” so to speak, by various gaming sites,

people are still being inspired to create their own works based on their adventurers

in Eorzea.  Whether you log in every day to pound dodos, or simply log into Amazon to

give the game 1 star, Final Fantasy has once again evoked great passion amongst

players around the world.
Final Fantasy XIV 51ba42b49670cc93d630bbb5
One of the defining characteristics of Final Fantasy XIV was, and still is, how the

game inspires the player base to create.  The memorable characters and locations have

supported countless art contests, the rich history spawned many-a fan fiction, and

the excitement of large-scale battles gave rise to e-peen videos and the eternal

question: “Hey, what song was that in the background?”

Though Final Fantasy XIV has gotten “tuned up,” so to speak, by various gaming sites,

people are still being inspired to create their own works based on their adventurers

in Eorzea.  Whether you log in every day to pound dodos, or simply log into Amazon to

give the game 1 star, Final Fantasy has once again evoked great passion amongst

players around the world.

One of the defining characteristics of Final Fantasy XIV was, and still is, how the

game inspires the player base to create.  The memorable characters and locations have

supported countless art contests, the rich history spawned many-a fan fiction, and

the excitement of large-scale battles gave rise to e-peen videos and the eternal

question: “Hey, what song was that in the background?”